Death Rank 2

Death Rank 2
List: Mage Basic Career
Cost: 2 / 6
Prereqs: Death Rank 1, 25 Power Points, level 3
Skill Type: Arcane
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant


Rank 2:

Spell Verbal:  I Call Upon Darkness and Terror To…

  • …Weaken.        4 Power Points      1 Minutes.
    • This spell causes the target character to deal no more than 1 point of damage with all martial attacks regardless of their Damage Bonus or Strength Bonus. This spell does not affect special weapon attacks like the Slay skill, Assassinate skill, Stun skill, etc. For skills that modify damage, the base weapon damage is always 1. For example, if a weakened character uses a Critical Attack skill, they will deal 2 points of damage. Similarly, a weakened character will only Waylay dealing 1 point of damage.
    • A character will lose all Strength Bonuses for the duration of this spell.


  • Maim.     4 Power Points        Instant.
    • This spell does 12 points of magical direct body damage.


  • Take Your Sight    6 Power Points        1 Minute
    • This spell causes the target character to be unable to see for 1 minute or until they are healed. A Heal Limb spell or effect can be used to restore their sight. While blinded a character cannot make any melee attacks unless they have the Blind Fighting skill. They can close their eyes and throw a spell “blind”. They can use their weapons to attempt to block attacks directed at them, so long as their eyes are closed and do not attempt to swing their weapon around wildly. They are able to use any passive defensive skills they have, such as Martial Parry, Critical Parry, Negation spell, etc. Even if a character has the Blind Fighting skill, they cannot use the True Aim or Perfect Aim skills.
    • When you role-play the effects of a Take Your Sight spell, you can close your eyes. However, take care if you are on rough terrain or in a room with sharp furniture. It is better to keep your eyes open and be safe than it is to roleplay your character’s blindness convincingly.
    • This spell damages the eyes of the target character so, like other damaging spells, the caster cannot remove their own spell nor can any other character dispel these effects, the target character must be healed.


  • Cause Agony      5 Power Points     5 Seconds
    • This spell is considered Lost Magic.
    • This spell causes the target character intense pain for 5 seconds during which time the character must fall to the ground and can take no other actions except to invoke latent spell defenses. This spell can be cured with a Heal Body or Dispel Magic spell.
    • This spell causes pain directly to the soul and is never a positive effect.

Death Rank 1
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Death Rank 4
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